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Tips for Holiday Survival

Everyone knows that the holidays can be a bunch of, crazy, stressful, tiring, beautiful, sad, happy...right? I've researched ways to maintain our weight and sanity for the next few weeks. It can be hard, I know! But a few tips can make or break us when we are down and out. Take what applies to you and memorize it. Think about me when you reach for that 2nd piece of double-decker chocolate cake or saying yes to something you don't really WANT or MUST have... Your goal this season is to MAINTAIN your weight (and keep yourself sane). Got it?

* KEEP ON MOVING! I know this comes as a shock to you, but don't let the busyness of the holidays keep you from your exercise routine. Even if you don't have time for the gym, get out and take a walk. Fifteen to 20 minutes of fresh air will do wonders for you. Don't tell your trainer or Health Coach (hmmm) that you must stay home to wrap presents or bake a pie. Keep your appointments!! You will gain energy and not lose the momentum you have built up all fall. Other ideas, for the season, take the family or your friends ice skating or go for a walk in the neighborhood. Go downtown Greenville, Fountain Inn or surrounding areas and enjoy the beautiful lights. Take a walk at one of the many parks and trails in Greenville County. There are so many things to do in our wonderful area.

* REST! No, this is not counterproductive to what I said above. It is especially important during the season to chill out when you can. Carve out 30 minutes to take a nap, read a book or sit by the fire. We overeat when we are tired and make poor decisions, especially when it comes to food. Most importantly, get a good night sleep. 7-8 hours is key for most mortals.

* ENJOY YOUR FOOD! Eat your meals at the kitchen table, without the TV, cell phone or computer. Take your time eating, taste each bite AND appreciate it! Most importantly, CHEW your food. It can't be digested properly if you don't chew long enough. Chew and then chew more before you swallow. Your esophagus and stomach will appreciate it. Stop eating before you think you are full. It takes our brain about 20 minutes to register fullness.

* WATCH YOUR PORTION SIZES! HOW much you eat matters just as much as WHAT you eat. High-caloric food is everywhere during the holidays, from the workplace to the home place. “Little nibbles” is KEY!

* DRINK ALCOHOL MODERATELY! Yea, you heard me. Better said than done for most of us. However, try to limit your intake. The more alcohol you drink, the more food you will eat. Drink water before you go out and in between your cocktails. The water will help fill you up and want to drink less. Here are a few numbers to think about. Starting your event with sparkling water and fresh pomegranates or cranberry juice is one of my favorite tricks!

* EAT A LIGHT NUTRITIOUS SNACK BEFORE THE PARTY! This might sound like a bad idea, but it's not. If you eat a snack with protein (a protein smoothie, a hard-boiled egg, apple with almond butter, walnuts or almonds), you feel fuller and be less likely to overdo it at the event. I've preached this for years, so I know it works.

* DRINK LOTS OF WATER! Staying hydrated is imperative this time of year. Drinking half your weight in ounces is the right formula. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces, which is approx. 9 glasses a day. Fill up your Yeti and drink it. Make your water more festive by adding cranberries, citrus slices, or frozen berries. Sparkling water is fine too, but limit to one a day; the bubbles can make some people bloated or gassy. Also, drinking water fills you up and puts hunger and cravings at bay.

* BE CHOOSY! When presented with so many temptations at holiday gatherings or in your own kitchen, make sure to eat only what you ENJOY! Don't eat to taste everything, make good decisions that will satisfy you without the guilt. If you don't LOVE something you pick up, toss it. Don't worry about insulting your host...they won’t even know. Also, be choosy about how to spend your time! As much as we want to be superhuman, we simply are not.

* CONTROL STRESS! Practice deep breathing exercises or meditate. This takes time to master, but it's not hard. There are several good apps that you can get for free that can help with this. Also, doing your cardio can alleviate stress, so can yoga. Controlling stress is really one of the hardest things we are faced with every day, but it's never too late or too soon to practice this. REMEMBER, we can’t control the stressors around us, but we can control how we react!

* GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK! Be realistic. We are mere mortals, my friends, so, there will be a time when willpower fails us. Learn from the slips and try to do better the next time. Enjoy any downtime you get and hug your loved ones.

Peace, Health & Hugs,


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